Old Family Pictures
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Here are a few photos from my scanning endeavor of some of Dad's old pictures.

Great Grandpa and Grandma Merriman GreatGrandmaMerriman.jpg (61475 bytes) GreatGrandpaMerriman.jpg (42955 bytes)
Dad's Graduation GrandpaGraduation.jpg (41198 bytes) GrandpaGraduationWithParents.jpg (40660 bytes)
One for the ages.  Melissa, Amy, Mom (or Gammy) and Harry shaking one of Dad's (Grandpa) socks.  January 3, 1975.
Christmas Card - 1965

Could use some help on the year.  Bobby, Tommy, Grandma Schnelle.
Need names for the baby, and the aunt and cousin please.
This is probably around 1969.  I believe this is a trip to Niagara falls.
This picture is scary due to both resemblances.
MiddleBobandGreatGrandpaMerriman.jpg (50587 bytes)
Who are these 2 handsome devils?
BobbyandTommy.jpg (40463 bytes)
Below are pictures of Gammy.  1960 San Antonio - San Ridge Apts.
Yes Jennifer, you WERE cute back then.
ChristmasJenniferBobbySarah.jpg (46038 bytes)
Proud of Easter Baskets in Erie, PA.
FivekidsinErie.jpg (50401 bytes)
Five of us.  Sorry Amy, you weren't around yet.
FiveKidsinSnow.jpg (45629 bytes)